Defkalion Green Technologies
3 Xanthou Street
Glyfada 16674
10th April, 2012
Dear Sirs,
You have shown interest in our company either for commercial, technical, scientific or research-based reasons. This letter is sent to you privately; it is not a press release, nor intended for publication. We will soon be making our public announcements accordingly. We honour our word to reciprocate your good will and interest in our work during a period that could be defined as “business as unusual”. From now on, we progress full steam ahead, business as usual.
For over 20 years many have believed in the existence of a new thermal energy source known as Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). A considerable body of literature, measurements and tests have been pursued by laboratories in many countries. The LENR field has yet to provide a concrete understanding of the fundamental theory. A lot of work still needs to be done in the theoretical analysis and beyond.
Defkalion scientific team consists of scientific and engineering experts. It has successfully managed to trigger and monitor Chemically Assisted Low Energy Nuclear Reactions caused by Nickel and Hydrogen nuclei. This unique LENR technology is based on proprietary methodologies and engineering designs.
Defkalion has conducted third party tests on its core technology by internationally recognized and reputable private and public organizations from Europe and America. Today, there is solid, unambiguous evidence confirming our technology. We are at the dawn of a new era of clean, inexpensive, limitless renewable energy.
We believe that LENR is a technology that should be benefited by everybody. Our core philosophy and vision were always based on responsible use. We believe in creating new opportunities for fossil free energy which will have a huge impact on climate change and carbon emissions. It goes without saying that our technology will also have a great positive impact on the Greek economy with dynamic implications on the global economy. We support the transition of low cost energy to third world countries while also showing commitment to an entirely new field of scientific research that will initiate new products through research and development as well as the rebirth of high cost energy technologies.
It is unlikely that the commercialization of LENR technology will have an immediate significant decrease in fossil fuel consumption, but a very dramatic psychological impact is expected. Investors will see the medium and long-term implications of significantly lower energy prices, and consequentially lower the assessed value of soon-to-be obsolete energy infrastructure, conventional energy companies, and long-term contracts for their relatively expensive products.
Defkalion will become the first global player in LENR using its proprietary technology to commercialize its new products and diversify into new Research & Development efforts for new applications. It plans to have a fully operational prototype ready by July 2012.
Defkalion has the most advanced technical and business development in this new energy paradigm as confirmed and verified by long time LENR experts. Although we still have some more months ahead of us before our commercial product is finalized for market entry, we are ready today to share our plans with potential partners.
Our launch-strategy for this technology with minimal risk of failure encompasses fast speed, wide applications, many countries, competitive pricing, protection against competition, as well as in-depth international support.
Your interest represents one of over 1,000 entities from more than 70 countries. Our business with potential partners is two-fold: either as an OEM to manufacture, sell and service our products in given countries, or to jointly create R&D project towards new applications using our technology.
Defkalion business is primarily a technology licensing company with expected revenues being generated from the following models:
a. OEM License Agreements
Licenses to build and sell Hyperion products are sold to companies with exclusivity for a given country. Each license sold for Euros 40.5 million represents one factory with maximum capacity 300,000 units annually (varying capacity and numbers of factories will change the fee accordingly). No further royalty fees are paid by Licensees. Powder (cartridge format) will be sold as a component to each Hyperion unit.
Defkalion selects one company as OEM from every country based on their readiness to run this technology in their country, their willingness to execute the project, and their ability to handle a 100 million Euro investment.
Defkalion shall provide to every OEM Licensee a full Transfer of Technology & Know-How concerning production, maintenance, installation and recharge of Hyperion products. This will be done after signing of contracts and will be done in phases through a deliverables matrix.
b. Joint Ventures through R&D
Companies can further develop Defkalion’s proprietary LENR technology as a heat source through joint R&D for specific processes and/or applications according to their expertise as global leaders in their own industry. Defkalion shall partner with them with global distribution rights as niche market players, where R&D is coordinated in Greece.
Existing interest has already come from the following sectors: marine propulsion; water desalination; automobile; small aircraft; mining/extraction; telecom towers; cooling/heating; green-houses; fertilizers; food & beverage; cement; commercial heating; household heating; drying industry; data storage; hospitals; airport take-off & landing strips; district heating; battery charging.
Should you be interested to continue through one of these approaches, please contact us accordingly. For entities and/or individuals that wish simply to purchase units, you will have to wait until there is a representative in your country. For businesses and/or technical interests, we will need from you the following:
Entity name, CEO/Director’s name, main address, website, contact details
History, operational overview, LENR interest
Future milestone events that you can expect from Defkalion are the following:
Presentation of a fully functioning prototype shown to the international scientific community, open to the world’s media, during the summer of 2012.
Not long after, an international press conference with all the companies involved in this project and the OEMs from each country having signed a contract with us.
We look forward to hearing from those of you whose interest corresponds to our business models. We wish the rest of you - whose anticipation remains the witnessing of a final product - patience and support.
Kind Regards,
******** **********
Director, Business Development & Marketing
Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies (Global) Ltd.
#defkalion #coldfusion #ecat #hyperion #lenr
3 Xanthou Street
Glyfada 16674
10th April, 2012
Dear Sirs,
You have shown interest in our company either for commercial, technical, scientific or research-based reasons. This letter is sent to you privately; it is not a press release, nor intended for publication. We will soon be making our public announcements accordingly. We honour our word to reciprocate your good will and interest in our work during a period that could be defined as “business as unusual”. From now on, we progress full steam ahead, business as usual.
For over 20 years many have believed in the existence of a new thermal energy source known as Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). A considerable body of literature, measurements and tests have been pursued by laboratories in many countries. The LENR field has yet to provide a concrete understanding of the fundamental theory. A lot of work still needs to be done in the theoretical analysis and beyond.
Defkalion scientific team consists of scientific and engineering experts. It has successfully managed to trigger and monitor Chemically Assisted Low Energy Nuclear Reactions caused by Nickel and Hydrogen nuclei. This unique LENR technology is based on proprietary methodologies and engineering designs.
Defkalion has conducted third party tests on its core technology by internationally recognized and reputable private and public organizations from Europe and America. Today, there is solid, unambiguous evidence confirming our technology. We are at the dawn of a new era of clean, inexpensive, limitless renewable energy.
We believe that LENR is a technology that should be benefited by everybody. Our core philosophy and vision were always based on responsible use. We believe in creating new opportunities for fossil free energy which will have a huge impact on climate change and carbon emissions. It goes without saying that our technology will also have a great positive impact on the Greek economy with dynamic implications on the global economy. We support the transition of low cost energy to third world countries while also showing commitment to an entirely new field of scientific research that will initiate new products through research and development as well as the rebirth of high cost energy technologies.
It is unlikely that the commercialization of LENR technology will have an immediate significant decrease in fossil fuel consumption, but a very dramatic psychological impact is expected. Investors will see the medium and long-term implications of significantly lower energy prices, and consequentially lower the assessed value of soon-to-be obsolete energy infrastructure, conventional energy companies, and long-term contracts for their relatively expensive products.
Defkalion will become the first global player in LENR using its proprietary technology to commercialize its new products and diversify into new Research & Development efforts for new applications. It plans to have a fully operational prototype ready by July 2012.
Defkalion has the most advanced technical and business development in this new energy paradigm as confirmed and verified by long time LENR experts. Although we still have some more months ahead of us before our commercial product is finalized for market entry, we are ready today to share our plans with potential partners.
Our launch-strategy for this technology with minimal risk of failure encompasses fast speed, wide applications, many countries, competitive pricing, protection against competition, as well as in-depth international support.
Your interest represents one of over 1,000 entities from more than 70 countries. Our business with potential partners is two-fold: either as an OEM to manufacture, sell and service our products in given countries, or to jointly create R&D project towards new applications using our technology.
Defkalion business is primarily a technology licensing company with expected revenues being generated from the following models:
a. OEM License Agreements
Licenses to build and sell Hyperion products are sold to companies with exclusivity for a given country. Each license sold for Euros 40.5 million represents one factory with maximum capacity 300,000 units annually (varying capacity and numbers of factories will change the fee accordingly). No further royalty fees are paid by Licensees. Powder (cartridge format) will be sold as a component to each Hyperion unit.
Defkalion selects one company as OEM from every country based on their readiness to run this technology in their country, their willingness to execute the project, and their ability to handle a 100 million Euro investment.
Defkalion shall provide to every OEM Licensee a full Transfer of Technology & Know-How concerning production, maintenance, installation and recharge of Hyperion products. This will be done after signing of contracts and will be done in phases through a deliverables matrix.
b. Joint Ventures through R&D
Companies can further develop Defkalion’s proprietary LENR technology as a heat source through joint R&D for specific processes and/or applications according to their expertise as global leaders in their own industry. Defkalion shall partner with them with global distribution rights as niche market players, where R&D is coordinated in Greece.
Existing interest has already come from the following sectors: marine propulsion; water desalination; automobile; small aircraft; mining/extraction; telecom towers; cooling/heating; green-houses; fertilizers; food & beverage; cement; commercial heating; household heating; drying industry; data storage; hospitals; airport take-off & landing strips; district heating; battery charging.
Should you be interested to continue through one of these approaches, please contact us accordingly. For entities and/or individuals that wish simply to purchase units, you will have to wait until there is a representative in your country. For businesses and/or technical interests, we will need from you the following:
Entity name, CEO/Director’s name, main address, website, contact details
History, operational overview, LENR interest
Future milestone events that you can expect from Defkalion are the following:
Presentation of a fully functioning prototype shown to the international scientific community, open to the world’s media, during the summer of 2012.
Not long after, an international press conference with all the companies involved in this project and the OEMs from each country having signed a contract with us.
We look forward to hearing from those of you whose interest corresponds to our business models. We wish the rest of you - whose anticipation remains the witnessing of a final product - patience and support.
Kind Regards,
******** **********
Director, Business Development & Marketing
Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies (Global) Ltd.
#defkalion #coldfusion #ecat #hyperion #lenr
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